Book Now

0.14 mi
(773) 425-3003
18125 Roy Street, Lansing, IL 60438
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Here are some tips for booking a table at Book Now (Service options: Dine-in) located at 18125 Roy Street, Lansing, Illinois, 60438:

1. Plan in advance: As Book Now can get busy, especially during peak hours, it's better to reserve your table ahead of time. This will help ensure you have a seat when you arrive.

2. Utilize online booking: Check if Book Now offers online reservations. This can make the booking process more convenient and save you time.

3. Specify your preferences: If you have any special requirements or preferences, such as a window seat or a quiet area, make sure to mention them while booking. This will allow the staff to accommodate your needs better.

4. Be punctual: Arrive on time for your reservation to guarantee the availability of your table. If you're running late, it's courteous to inform the restaurant to avoid any inconvenience.

5. Be flexible: In case your preferred time slot is unavailable, consider adjusting your reservation to a slightly different time to secure a table.

Remember, these tips are general suggestions, and it's best to follow any specific instructions or guidelines provided by Book Now.