
0.73 mi
(719) 633-2500
717 N Tejon St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
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One of the tips for Colomex, located at 717 N Tejon St, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80903, is to make sure to check their business hours before visiting. They may have specific opening and closing times that may differ from other businesses in the area.

Another tip is to bring cash with you when visiting Colomex as they may not accept credit cards or have limited options for payment. It's always a good idea to be prepared with cash in case they have certain requirements.

Additionally, Colomex is known for its authentic Mexican cuisine, so make sure to try some of their traditional dishes. Whether it's tacos, enchiladas, or tamales, their menu offers a variety of delicious options.

Lastly, parking in the area can be limited, so it's recommended to arrive early or consider using public transportation if possible. This will ensure a smoother experience when visiting Colomex.