Special Stuffed French Toast

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What the experts are saying

"...hours: 7 days (breakfast and lunch) mon-sat (dinner) payment methods: american express mastercard visa cuisine type: american; cafes; vegetarian meals served: breakfast lunch dinner style: this funky, multi-room cafe has evolved into one of bella vista's hottest brunch destinations, with an artsy young crowd and an eclectic menu that ranges from stuffed french toast to gutsy chicken cutlet sandwiches..."
- Philadelphia Inquirer/philly.com
"...egg white primavera frittata: ($9.99 made with assorted vegetables) stuffed french toast specials green eggs cafe 3 locations n..."
- Evans Eats
"...i would recommend their hunter pences lets eat stuffed french toast with cream cheese, mascarpone, apricot, topped with peach-apricot syrup (note that the serving size for this is more than enough for 2 people)...if you love stuffed french toast and want something sweet, you should order this...- website [googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=sabrinas+cafe,+philadelphia&aq=&sll=39.949753,-75.163651&sspn=0.285827,0.672226&vpsrc=0&ie=utf8&hq=sabrinas+cafe,&hnear=philadelphia,+pennsylvania&t=m&ll=39.949553,-75.163465&spn=0.025918,0.012581&output=embed&w=425&h=350] this entry was posted in 4 crescents, american food, breakfast, coffee, family friendly, french toast, non-halal vegetarian, philadelphia, tea and tagged apricot, beans, bread, breakfast, brunch, challah, drexel, egg, french toast, guacamole, hunter pence, peach, peppers, poached eggs, stuffed french toast, sunday brunch, variety by halalfoodcritic..."
- the halalBite food guide

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