Shugar Daddy

10.59 mi
30 Botchergate, Carlisle, UK CA1 1SN
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1. Planning a visit? Make sure to check Shugar Daddy's opening hours before you head over to 30 Botchergate, Carlisle, United Kingdom, CA1 1SN. They may have specific operating hours and it's best to be well-informed.

2. Remember, Shugar Daddy is located in the United Kingdom, so consider the local customs and etiquette when visiting. Politeness and respect go a long way in creating a pleasant experience.

3. Dress code varies from place to place, but Shugar Daddy maintains a smart-casual dress policy. Keep in mind the ambiance and style of the establishment, and dress appropriately for a night out.

4. Reservation is highly recommended, especially during peak hours or weekends. Contact Shugar Daddy ahead of your visit to secure a table and avoid any disappointment.

5. Indulge in the delicious food and drinks offered at Shugar Daddy. Take your time exploring their menu and don't hesitate to ask the staff for recommendations or any dietary requirements you may have.

6. Ensure you have the necessary payment methods on hand. Shugar Daddy may accept cash or credit cards, so it's a good idea to check in advance.

7. Have fun and enjoy your experience at Shugar Daddy, whether you're meeting friends, hosting a celebration, or simply treating yourself to a night out. The friendly staff is there to assist and provide excellent service.